Cadence Syntax Decoded: Mastering Variable

Declarations of Identifiers

1. Constants

Constant means that the identifier's association is constant, not the value itself - the value may still be changed if it is mutable.

Constants are declared using the let keyword.

// Declare a constant named a.

let a = 1

a = 2 // Invalid: re-assigning to a constant.

2. Variables

Variables are initialized with a value and can be reassigned later.

Variables are declared using the var keyword.

// Declare a variable named b.

var b = 1

b = 2 // valid: assigning new value.

Points to remember

Declaring another variable or constant with a name that is already declared in the current scope is invalid, regardless of kind or type.

Declaring another variable or constant with a name that is already declared in the current scope is invalid, regardless of kind or type.

variables can be redeclared in sub-scopes.

let a = 1 // Declare a constant named a.

if true {

let a = 2 // Declare a constant with the same name a

// This is valid because it is in a sub-scope.


A variable cannot be used as its own initial value.

// Invalid: Use of variable in its own initial value.

let x = x

Type Annotations

When declaring a constant, variable and function parameters , an optional type annotation can be provided, to make it explicit what type the declaration has.

// Bool is the type of booleans.

var isThisAwesome: Bool = true

We will discuss more about different types in the next chapter.